Saturday, November 17, 2007

Quick Report

It's a little late here and I am whipped, so I'll make this quick.

Got a decent number, 40, but had a crappy start, went backwards right off the bat. Spent the first half fighting up to the mid 20's, where I ended in a pack of 7 or so that included Sean Kelsey who moved to PA from PDX earlier this year. I missed a break when he and another guy went with 2 to go. I was able to drop all but one guy from the remainder while trying to gap up, and that wheel sucker pinched me at the line by half a wheel in an all out sprint. Dang! I have got to learn some smarter racin'. I raced pretty good except for the start, and I owned the sand pit, passed my whole group every lap. I guess the long legs help for running in sand.

In the women's race, there was no Katie Compton, and that left Georgia Gould to pull off a pretty decent imitation by decimating the field. Sue Butler did pretty well at 7th, while Wendy Williams looked to be having a rough race finishing around 11th.

In the men's race it seemed like the Kona Twin Towers has something to prove. They moved to the front by the second lap and took off, dropping everyone. Tim Johnson who raced with a bloody nose after a wreck killed it to try to gap, got within 5 secs at one point, then faded back to a consistent 15 seconds. The bell lap was the typical scene of Ryan dropping Barry for the win. They really turned it on for that lap. It was odd without the normal Portland crew there. No Tonkin and no Cameron. Adam Craig was just inside 10th with a typical smile on his face race. Sheppard wasn't too far behind. And Donald Deeb was back a bit but seemed to have a good race.

There's a 60% chance of showers tonight, and even a chance of it mixing with some snow! it will be a completely different race with even just a bit of rain. Ok that was a pretty obvious statement, I'll just stop right there.